2021 Field Day Plans

We are just a little over a week away from field day, below you will find the plans so far, please checkout the signup link below, this is just to give us an idea of how many people will be there and when, and get a little bit of a schedule together for the radio so that we can stay on the air, by no means is that a strict schedule or head count, please sign up for the meals you plan to be there so we can get a better idea of how many people to expect. If you have not yet paid your 2021 dues, we will be collecting throughout the weekend.  Any questions feel free to reach out to the group


Bathroom situation -> the LaPorte Group has ordered a Porta Potty for the weekend

Internet situation -> we went out last weekend and programmed the microwave link down to the ground and the router/switches so we will have WiFi and ethernet available on site
Food situation -> see below

Tentative Schedule


Joe and I will be getting the portable tower and big generator out to the site, it will be a couple of trips, but we are hoping to be back to the site by 3:00pm to start setting everything up. 

Dinner that night will be a buy-in, we will get some pizza with the cash that everyone throws in.

Some of us will be camping out Friday night if anyone wants to join (Bring your own tent, camper, or car)

Saturday Morning 

Breakfast (Maybe go out, or send someone to McDonalds?)

VE Testing will begin at 9am for anyone who shows up (please pass the word if you know of anyone looking to test, anyone who tests and sticks around after would have a chance to get on the air while sitting with someone else at the station, if you would like to sign up to take the exam or know anyone who is please click here https://signup.com/go/tBscWKB and put your name on the list

While the testing is going on we will begin station setup in the tents

Lunch Saturday will be Burgers and Brats (provided) please bring your own drinks and a side to share with everyone

Getting on the air 12 Noon Sat – 12 Noon Sunday, we will have a few stations setup, feel free to bring yours for the GOTA, or if you want to set up your gear at the station. (the signup above is just to help us fill 24 hours of people on the air, but will not be a strict schedule)

Dinner Friday is generally chip in for pizza

Several of us will be camping again Saturday night feel free to join

Sunday Morning

Breakfast…. TBD

We will stay as long as people are willing to stay and be on the air, if we do not have people who are on the air all night we will probably pack up earlier on Sunday. 

Groups.io email list

Field Day Facebook Event

PCARC Facebook Group

PCARC Facebook Page


2021 ARRL Field Day is June 26-27


Like last year we will be convening at Danny Scheetz tower in LaPorte for Field day, more details to come soon but here is the initial invite. Feel free to bring a tent and camp out!!

3354 W Schultz Rd, La Porte, IN 46350-8497, United States

Our local Facebook event https://www.facebook.com/events/118355726857039

New to Amateur Radio?
What is Ham Radio | Get Your License

Field Day Locator!

Field Day Locator!Looking for a Field Day site near you? Want to promote your club’s Field Day efforts? Use the Field Day Locator to do both!Learn More

ARRL Field Day

ARRL Field DayARRL Field Day is the most popular on-the-air event held annually in the US and Canada. On the fourth weekend of June, more than 35,000 radio amateurs gather with their clubs, groups or simply with friends to operate from remote locations.

The objective is to contact as many stations as possible on the 160, 80, 40, 20,15 and 10 Meter HF bands, as well as all bands 50 MHz and above, and to learn to operate in abnormal situations in less than optimal conditions.
Field Day is open to all amateurs in the areas covered by the ARRL/RAC Field Organizations and countries within IARU Region 2. DX stations residing in other regions may be contacted for credit, but are not eligible to submit entries.
Each claimed contact must include contemporaneous direct initiation by the operator on both sides of the contact. Initiation of a contact may be either locally or by remote.

2021 ARRL Field Day is June 26-27

Rules & Resources | Facebook Group | Field Day T-shirts & Gear | Join ARRL

ARRL Field Day is always held on the 4th full weekend in June.

2021 Field Day results will appear in December QST.

Follow 2021 Field Day preparations with the news and stories below (more stories will be added every few weeks, so check back):

ARRL to Extend Field Day Rule Waivers from 2020, Add Class D and E Power Limit – 10 Feb 2021

New to Field Day? START HERE!

Field Day is ham radio’s open house. Every June, more than 40,000 hams throughout North America set up temporary transmitting stations in public places to demonstrate ham radio’s science, skill and service to our communities and our nation. It combines public service, emergency preparedness, community outreach, and technical skills all in a single event. Field Day has been an annual event since 1933, and remains the most popular event in ham radio.

“What Is Field Day” (Printable PDF Flier)

Get ready for 2021 ARRL Field Day (YouTube video), created by J. Mitch Hopper, K9ZXO, QSL Manager — Sangamon Valley Radio Club. See also a version with Spanish-language subtitles.

We welcome the public to come learn more about ham radio! Use our Field Day Locator to search for a Field Day site near you.

Want to see what Field Day is all about?  Watch our 2019  Field Day Public Service Announcement or view what several groups uploaded to Youtube from their 2018 Field Day activities.  You can also listen to/download our 30 sec. radio announcement for 2019 Field Day (mp3).

Field Day on Social Media!

Zoom meeting tomorrow night – Guest speaker K9CT


Our next meeting is tomorrow night at 7PM. Our special guest speaker is
Craig Thompson, K9CT, who will be talking about the Pitcairn Island

Please join us! The link is:


We also need to hold elections – we didn’t have enough for a quorum last
time, so please join early enough so we can get that taken care of.


Paul Braun WD9GCO
Amateur Radio Newsline Anchor
Certified Music Junkie

“Music washes from the soul the dust of everyday life.” — Berthold Auerbach

“Never follow anyone. Be your own hero.” — Neil Peart

Paul Braun WD9GCO
Amateur Radio Newsline Anchor
President, Porter County Amateur Radio Club
Certified Music Junkie

This Friday’s meeting

Good evening.

Just a reminder that our regular meeting is this Friday evening, April
2nd at 7PM.

Our first order of business will be election of officers. Nobody else
has spoken up yet (although we will take nominations), and Brad Garner
and I are both agreeable to at least another term.

Afterwards, we will be watching a pre-recorded presentation on station
grounding by Ward Silver, N0AX from the ARRL. I reached out to Ward
about doing one in person, but right now he’s too swamped. Ward is the
main guy at the League for teaching about wiring and grounding for
better/safer operations.

Two weeks from now, on the 16th, our featured guest speaker is Craig
Thompson, K9CT, world-class contester and a part of several major
DXPeditions. He will be talking about the recent operations on Pitcairn
Island. You won’t want to miss this one.

The link for this Friday’s meeting is

See you there!

Paul Braun WD9GCO
Amateur Radio Newsline Anchor
Certified Music Junkie

Next meeting/presentation – Homebrewing by the SolderSmoke Podcast


Our next online meeting will be next Friday, March 19th at 7PM. Our
presentation will be by Bill Meara, N2CQR and Pete Juliano, N6QW of the
SolderSmoke Podcast. Pete and Bill talk about homebrewing on many levels
and occasionally restoring vintage iron. I’ve been subscribed to their
podcast for several years now and it’s always fascinating. You can read
more at http://soldersmoke.blogspot.com/

They will go over some of the basics of homebrewing and designing your
own equipment. They’re both excited for the opportunity to speak to us.

See you there!  The link is:

Paul Braun WD9GCO
Amateur Radio Newsline Anchor
Certified Music Junkie

Presentation suggestions


Since the last couple of Zoom meetings have been a success, I’m going to
throw out some suggestions for guests to gauge interest.

I’ve already got Sean Kutzko, KX9X to talk about the basics of satellite
operation. Sean is an expert in the field. When he worked for the ARRL,
he was the one who came up with the National Parks On The Air program.
However, Sean works late on Fridays, so he will most likely be on a

I’ve reached out to Ward Silver, N0AX, the ARRL’s expert on shack wiring
and grounding.

We’re going to have Joe, N9TAX talk about portable antennas.

I’m also reaching out to someone from the Voice Of America museum at the
Bethany Relay Station to talk about the history of the VOA, and possibly
about the history of the Crosley Radio company.

I’m thinking bringing in someone from the Collins Collectors’
Association would be interesting. I’ve always been interested in Collins
equipment, and I know some of our members (yes, I’m looking at YOU,
Danny) own some.

The presentation with Bob Heil, K9EID went over extremely well, judging
by the emails I got. Bob was also happy with the way things went, and
would love to come back. He’s certainly got more stories and topics –
perhaps he could discuss his Pine Board project from a few years ago
that was featured in QST and on Ham Nation.

I’ve reached out to Craig Thompson, K9CT, a top-level contester, to
discuss contesting at the team level.

Would there be enough interest to bring in a couple of manufacturer’s
reps, like Ray Novak from ICOM, or someone from Flex Radio?

As always, feel free to email me with suggestions. All it takes is for
me to email someone and ask if they’re available.


Paul Braun WD9GCO
Amateur Radio Newsline Anchor
Certified Music Junkie

Next Zoom meeting – Friday, March 5th Special Guest Bob Heil, K9EID

Good afternoon!

Mark your calendars! The next virtual Zoom meeting of the PCARC will feature a special guest presenter.

You asked for him, and he agreed. On Friday, March 5th at 7PM we’ll be joined by Dr. Bob Heil, K9EID

Dr. Bob has been ham since the 1950’s. He’s also been in the audio business since the 60’s, building some of the first big PA systems for touring rock bands such as the Grateful Dead and The Who.  Bob also worked with Joe Walsh, WB6ACU (The James Gang, The Eagles) to develop the Talk Box that both Joe and Peter Frampton made famous. Heil Sound is the only manufacturer to be in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Heil is an accomplished theatre organist, and has been playing since his teens.

Bob has written two books on ham radio basics, created the Ham Nation podcast, and also developed a line of microphones and audio accessories, both for the pro audio world and for the amateur radio world.

Bob’s looking forward to speaking to our club. Make sure to show up early! I’ll send out the Zoom link early that week.

Image result for bob heil

Paul Braun WD9GCO
Amateur Radio Newsline Anchor
Certified Music Junkie

Next Zoom meeting – this coming Friday, Feb 5th


Our first Zoom meeting was fairly successful, so we’re going to try
another one on Friday (our “normal” meeting night) for February.

Our featured guest speaker will be Neil Rapp, WB9VPG, who is not only
one of my Newsline teammates, but was just awarded the Carole Perry
Educator of the Year Award by the Orlando Hamcation for his outstanding
achievements in education, both as a high school chemistry teacher and
with amateur radio youth.

Neil will briefly touch on the upcoming YOTA youth camp, and then dive
into satellite communications including grid square chasing.

We’ll start at 7PM, and the presentation will be sometime after that.

The link for the meeting is:

See you then!

Paul Braun WD9GCO
Amateur Radio Newsline Anchor
Certified Music Junkie


Field Day 2020 report by Chris, N9MMR:

K9PC was well represented at Field Day 2020!

W9MDM and N9TAX set up a Class A club station site for Field Day 2020. A generator kept us independent of commercial power mains and provided all the electrons needed to keep K9PC radios “On Air”.

N9TAX set up a 33-foot-tall inflatable tower, a Carolina Windom off-center-fed dipole, and a 600 watt station running all HF bands, with focus on 20M, 40M, 80M. N9TAX was logging contacts every 15 minutes while assisting others in Field Day operations.
KD9NSC set up a 100 watt station running 6M SSB, 6M FT8, 10M SSB and 10M FT8. He was using the N9MMR special double bazooka coaxial dipole antennas hand built from scratch the morning of Field Day. With some help from N9TAX, N9IAA, and W9MDM we tuned up the 6M and 10M dipoles and worked stations all over the United States. KD9NSC secured our only international contact in St. Lucia using FT8 on 10M. N9IAA jumped on 6M SSB and made a few contacts with stations in North and West Texas during an amazing 6M band opening. KD9NSC also secured some contacts on DMR using the Indiana Statewide talk group.

We had many bands and many modes covered for Field Day 2020. It was great to see our K9PC station come together and make numerous contacts!

Many reminisced of old times with fun amateur radio stories late into the night. The vast wealth of radio knowledge was handed down from our Elmers to the younger generations. Plans have already begun for Field Day 2021 to make the K9PC 1A IN site even better!

Special thanks to all those that helped support Field Day 2020, and let us not forget all the Silent Keys helping guide our radio waves from above.



Good evening, all.

Field Day is coming up next weekend (not this weekend, but the 27th and 28th.)

In our last meeting, we had discussed taking up the LaPorte club on their invitation to work a full, serious FD event. And then COVID-19 happened.

However, from my understanding,  the LaPorte club is still intending on holding their event at Danny’s tower, although they are trying to ensure that it follows the CDC guidelines as much as possible.

The other change is that for this year only, the ARRL is allowing hams to work from home, using Class-D as their category, and can count contacts with other Class-D stations (usually, those don’t count.) Also, they are allowing the operate-from-home hams to aggregate their scores if submitted in the name of a club.

I will leave the choice up to you. As President, I still have to take into consideration the health and well-being of our older-at risk members and cannot recommend the public outing. But it’s your call.


1) Meet the LaPorte club out at Danny’s tower and work as part of their effort;

2) Work from home and keep track of your QSO’s and I’ll figure out how we report together as PCARC;

3) Just work from home as an individual and have fun.

As to our next in-person meeting, it’s mostly up to the EMA as the pandemic is ongoing and the latest reports indicate the second wave is just starting. I have a feeling that we may not be meeting again until later in the year, but I will keep all of you in the loop.

One other thing – if you have not paid your dues for 2020 yet, they are due. Dues are $20 for adults, $10 for students or seniors, and $25 for a family. You can mail a check to:

Porter County Amateur Radio Club
P.O. Box 1061
Valparaiso, IN 46384

Thank you! Be safe, get on the air, and soon we can once again hang out on a Friday night.