Presentation suggestions


Since the last couple of Zoom meetings have been a success, I’m going to
throw out some suggestions for guests to gauge interest.

I’ve already got Sean Kutzko, KX9X to talk about the basics of satellite
operation. Sean is an expert in the field. When he worked for the ARRL,
he was the one who came up with the National Parks On The Air program.
However, Sean works late on Fridays, so he will most likely be on a

I’ve reached out to Ward Silver, N0AX, the ARRL’s expert on shack wiring
and grounding.

We’re going to have Joe, N9TAX talk about portable antennas.

I’m also reaching out to someone from the Voice Of America museum at the
Bethany Relay Station to talk about the history of the VOA, and possibly
about the history of the Crosley Radio company.

I’m thinking bringing in someone from the Collins Collectors’
Association would be interesting. I’ve always been interested in Collins
equipment, and I know some of our members (yes, I’m looking at YOU,
Danny) own some.

The presentation with Bob Heil, K9EID went over extremely well, judging
by the emails I got. Bob was also happy with the way things went, and
would love to come back. He’s certainly got more stories and topics –
perhaps he could discuss his Pine Board project from a few years ago
that was featured in QST and on Ham Nation.

I’ve reached out to Craig Thompson, K9CT, a top-level contester, to
discuss contesting at the team level.

Would there be enough interest to bring in a couple of manufacturer’s
reps, like Ray Novak from ICOM, or someone from Flex Radio?

As always, feel free to email me with suggestions. All it takes is for
me to email someone and ask if they’re available.


Paul Braun WD9GCO
Amateur Radio Newsline Anchor
Certified Music Junkie

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